Film Trailer
Friday, November 26, 2010
Farewell to a Fighter
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Election Day - Nov 2nd
Get out and Vote Today! It will make you feel good. You will be giving direction and support to the country’s future and your own. In your heart, you know that we are all in this life together and we must take responsibility for the people we empower to lead and legislate. I’m proud to be an American and when I see people at the polls tomorrow I know I will be overcome with that rich sensation of being with my fellow Americans who all, no matter what their political background, want the best for the country and each other. I may be naïve, but these are the principles with which the United States was founded and they exist in us today, if we can break thru the encrusted cynicism of the media and politicos. The choices are clear and countless lives will be affected by those choices we make today. Do the right thing and vote. Feel good.