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Friday, December 11, 2009

From Abroad

I’m in Paris reading headlines on the internet that “Healthcare Talks Advance in the Senate” It makes me proud to be an American and watch from afar as the process works itself out and the right thing gets done. It’s great not watching the clawing and gnashing on cable news, but experiencing again the written press. Newspapers are not dead. You’re able to digest information without having hundreds of images and emotions dumped on you.

I just finished reading Ted Kennedy’s memoirs. His decades old commitment to healthcare reform was not a myth. It’s in the record. Now we are here watching some courageous and persistent statesmen put a mark on history that will bring security and quality to the lives of many more of our neighbors, friends and family. The encouragement we give them and each other to make the tough choices, which are long overdue, to enact healthcare reform will be something we all can be proud of for the rest of our lives. Persist.

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