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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Heart Awareness Month 2013 and Future Plans

                                        Heart Awareness Month 2013 and Future Plans

I am in the process of reviewing Long Term Health Care for myself. A number of small seemingly insignificant events have intersected and I expect to make a decision soon as to whether to take a policy.  Heart Awareness month reminds me that, as a heart patient, I always have in the back of my mind the thought that someday my health may be diminished and I will need help at home or in an assisted living facility. All of this I am prone to unrealistically deny in the recesses of my psyche. I claim to my friends that when I am at that stage I want to be put down. Out of my misery and the inconvenience I will cause those still around me. I am not making the case for physician assisted suicide here (which I support) as it is a more serious subject and not to be treated frivolously. Rather the thought of living a far diminished lifestyle is difficult for us all to imagine and apparently no amount of exercise, diet, preventive medical regimen will be able to keep the creeping fingers of older age away from our ankles. So how do we prepare? Or do we shoot from the hip when the crisis begin? I’ve been down that road and, as a survivor, have weathered the storms and come out the other side, but is there an easier way? Probably. I just wish it didn’t seem like I was being sold a used car by the broker, prodded with the 7% increase for LTC that kicks in on my next birthday and warnings that California will soon be one of the last States to implement a premium increase with my carrier.
As an un-married man in a loving long term relationship who can’t visualize his partner having to move him, change his diaper, cook and whatever else will be needed to maintain a life, a childish immature voice squeals in my head. "Blah, Feh. Not for me."
But the last words of the insurance broker as he walked out my door are what remain. “Let’s age with grace, dignity and common sense. “ That seems reasonable and doable with a little forethought, discipline and sacrifice. If you don’t make plans to care for yourself, who will?

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